I wanted to get a glimpse on the language employed in the latest encyclica Laudato Si’, so here it is. If it weren’t for god, the cloud could also come from an sustainable development manifest:
aas accept access account acknowledge act action activity address affects agriculture approach areas athe attention awareness beauty become beings believers benedict bishops bring build business called capable care catholic caused certain cf challenge change christian church cities commitment common community concern conference consequences consider constant consume consumption contemplate continue conviction costs countries created creation creativity creator creatures crisis culture degradation demand development dialogue different dignity direct divine due earth ecological economic economy ecosystems education effects efforts encourage encyclical end energy entails environment environmental essential ethical everything example existence experience expression face fact faith family feel financial forms francis full future generations gift give given global god godas goods greater growing growth hand harm heart help home human ibid ii impact important improvement includes increase individuals integral interests international intervention involved issues jesus john justice lack land laws lead letter level life lifestyle light limits living local longer lord love man market meaning mere message model modern nature needs offer open order organizations others paradigm particular paul peace people personal places plan planet political pollution poor possible power praise present principle problems produce production progress proposed protection prove quality questions rather real reality reason recognize reduced reflection regions related relationship renewal resources respect responsibility result rise risks saint scientific seek sense serious share shows significant simply situation small social society solutions something source species spirituality state sustainable system teaching technology tends things think times today together towards true turn understanding universe used value various waste water ways whole work world xvi
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