How to convert video to MPEG 422 HD format for import in Lightworks Free
The best freely available video editing software for Windows is Lightworks (version 11.0.1). While it is free (as in beer), it has very restricted selection of import video formats at the moment. My camera (Canon EOS D550) delivers H.264 encoded MOV files, which—without other software—would require a 50 €/year codec license if you want to…
Antiquity – [2009] As Much As You Can
Antiquity are a jazzy, bluesy studio combo from Brooklyn. Various professional musicians contributed to this gem of an album that vibrates between genres. Pop, Jazz, Blues, Soul, a little Funk. This only release from 2009 reminds me of Incognito. The two preview tracks were hard to select… so better grab the whole album and find…
Arcade Island – [2012] Spring EP
Arcade Island is an electronic alternative rock artist. This release reminds me a bit of pandoras.box (review of their album Barriers). Floating guitar chords, soft radio pop beats, sometimes harder, great vocals all make this album a breeze to listen to. It is brought to us by the well-known Clinical Archives. Read on for a…
TenPenny Joke – [2009] Ambush On All Sides
TenPenny Joke is/was a rock band from Melbourne, Australia. Ambush On All Sides is their first and so far last album. If features melodic and powerful rock music. Songwriting, vocals, all top-notch. Luckily, they have released their album on Jamendo for us all to find. Listen to my two favourite tracks and then download it…
Workbench – [2006] Zoo
This ambient release from Kahvi contains over 80 minutes of relaxing background music. No spiritual, new age enlightenment tunes with water effects. But only clear and calm electronic music. I like this kind of music for programming, reading or just relaxing. Like usual, I present two tracks to pull you in, too!
O.Z.O.N. – [2011] Yearning for Grace
O.Z.O.N. is a talented music producer from Ukraine. He has released over a dozen albums and singles on Jamendo so far. Here I present his first full-length album that features at least three gems of electronic dance music. But hear for yourself…
Blue desktop wallpapers
A new series of wallpapers has arrived. Blue is the colour this time! So it is no surprise that all images show the sky – at least as a reflection. All images are resized to 1080p resolution.
Roger Subirana Mata – [2008] Point of no return
Modern classical orchestra music. With electronic effects and beats. Furious rhythmic songs. Calm ballads with vocals. Cannot write. Whole sentences. Sorry. Honestly, composer Roger Subirana has done a great job here. As another reviewer put it: “A Jamendo must-have!”
Stay Ali – [2008] If Only Leiner Came Back
Stay Ali are among of my favourite electronic music artists. They virtuously mix dance music with vintage game console sound (chiptunes). I already wrote a review of Vati Vati EP some years ago, which I prefer as my favourite EP. This release is published at Superbutton, a netlabel that specialisesd in chiptunes and closely related…
Various Artists – [2005] Red, Green, Blue & Other Summer Feelings
The netlabel Sutemos releases excellent electronic music since 2004. This sampler is the first I stumbled into first. It took me some time to discover the beauty of most songs; it is well hidden from the casual listener by slow and silent composition. It is best heard late in the evening in a thoughtful mood.…
William Wilson – [2011] Summer Holidays and Folk Routine EP
William Wilson that is easy to listen to, but hard to describe. Take some soft alternative Rock, add small drops of Electro, Jazz, Classic at selected spots. It is released at Lophophora Williams, a young netlabel with five releases since 2010. If you like what you hear here, look into their catalogue!
Green desktop wallpapers
A new batch of five desktop wallpapers has arrived: green is the colour this time! Green ceiling is taken in Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich, from a room that is illuminated by hundreds of green fluorescent lights. Green slime is seawater, mixed with algae and sunlight reflections.
The Easton Ellises – [2011] EP One
Take 80’s Pop, add New Wave à la Poni Hoax, stir and serve on a dimly lit dance floor. That’s a rough verbal description of the début release of The Easton Ellises at Enough Records. Five distinct songs with catchy riffs and great production are packed into this twenty minute long EP. Read on for…