Creative Commons license Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5.

It allows sharing, i.e. copying and redistributing the material (music), in any medium or format under two conditions: Attribution (name and link to the creator and license), and NoDerivatives (no remixes, transformations, ..).

  • Emanuel Salvador – [2007] Selected Performances

    Emanuel Salvador – [2007] Selected Performances

    Classic music it is. Violin and piano or orchestra, playing Debussy, Elgar, and Fiorini. Purely instrumental, the live recordings have much dynamic range, i.e. there are both quiet and LOUD moments. This release contains both traditional and contemporary music, as long as it’s violin.

  • Perfect Smile – [2008] Sonrie

    Perfect Smile – [2008] Sonrie

    Perfect Smile play melodic metal that resembles the style of Sonata Arctica. Five tracks or 26 minutes of extremely well produced progressive rock await you. I cannot stress enough the production quality of this album. Like always, I present two tracks that should you leave craving for the whole release.